
A logo for supermate advanced smsf administration software

Creating an online B2B Community

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Can you create a virtual community of accountants interested in Self Managed Super Funds?

The Challenge:
How do you build brand credibility and ultimately translate that into new business enquiry? The brief was to expand the client’s SMSF administration software products into ‘A’ tier accounting firms, which they saw was their last market frontier….and the hardest to crack!
The Solution:
We positioned the client as a ‘market leader’, by providing a valuable information source of unbiased SMSF content, delivered every 2 weeks via videos and white papers. This was provided by a well-respected industry professional, which drove traffic back to the web site.
The Result:
The database of current/potential clients doubled and we obtained opening rates up to 50%. The learning…even accountants will engage with online marketing – providing the tone of voice is right.
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