Countering a 60% increase in racism since the beginning of Covid
The Challenge:
Covid provided an uncertain environment which meant that disaffected individuals, looked for ethnic groups to blame. As such there was a major spike in reported racist incidents targeting the Asian, Muslim, Indigenous and Jewish communities. How could this be countered and help create a more harmonious society?
The Solution:
Based on extensive research, a highly targeted social media campaign was launched in a 3 month test market.
It aimed at providing 2 sets of education and motivational tools for the bystander to confront racist behaviour when they saw it:
1. Educational Tools: to change attitudes
2. Interactive Tools: to change behaviour.
The campaign was launched in the NSW Parliament House by the NSW Governor and various members of parliament.
The Result:
The test market proved that:
1. Using microtargeting, we were able to reach over 1.4 million of our target market.
2. Over 40,000 engaged with our campaign, either responding to our online poll, viewing our interactive videos or liking the postings.
The campaign has been highly commended by the Prime Minister, NSW Premier, NSW Police, Multicultural NSW and many government and communal organisations. We are looking to roll out the campaign nationally once funding is secured.
It has been awarded the NSW Premier’s Award for Multicultural Communications Campaign of the Year, as we’ll as being a National Finalist in the Australian Marketing Institute Awards for Marketing Excellence for Social Change.