Cape Credit Union is a financial institution specialising in the petroleum and energy sector. However, as a new generation of highly paid energy workers moved into the market who were not particularly financially literate, there was a need to reposition the organisation as a modern alternative to traditional a language they could understand and relate to.
The Solution:
We updated their branding to a far more 'customer friendly' look and tone. In doing so, we dropped 'Credit Union' for 'Customer Owned Banking'. An animated character was introduced who could dramatize the various products. A series of educational videos were created that explained in a no-nonsense tone, why they should think twice about simply going to a bank for their money needs . This all integrated into a new corporate ID package, that could be leveraged through third-party partners' staff, eg Caltex.
The Result:
The new image was well received by current and potential clients, as well as third party partners. As a result of lifting its profile, after a period of time, Cape merged with another major mutual bank to gain additional marketing and operational synergies.